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Member Testimonials

"Many of us are strong Christians in our personal and family lives, yet have a tough time finding ways to seamlessly weave our Christian orientation into our "business lives", with so many secular influences...and even temptations. The Christian Executive Forum has helped me to become an outward and strong Christian within a business world that normally doesn't encourage or find comfort with such identity. I realize from my CEF experience that I don't have to be "two people", one in my personal (or Sunday) life, and another at work leading a company forward. This is a releasing experience! CEF offers encouragement, support, and guidance based on Biblical principles, but remains grounded in good business practices. Whether covering subjects such as Finance, Human Resources, Technology, or Marketing, CEF helps build on ideas and takes a strong look at the latest teachings in business today. In our group, we learn together (and from each other) real world ways in which we can promote our Christian values as we lead our organizations using sound business practices."

Matt Bagne, President & COO
Plasticolor, Inc
300 employees Automotive Accessories